Praying for Our Country

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I love God’s word!  Even though God was speaking to Israel in these verses, they can be applied in our lives as Christians today.  If we have accepted Gods’ gift of salvation,  we are His people. He wants to give us one heart.  No discrimination.  No race is better than another.  Every life, from the moment of conception is unique and precious.  Each has a purpose.  You will never look into the eyes of someone that God does not love. No life is greater than another.  Christ died for ALL.  He longs to bring unity, not division to our country.

God desires for us to reverence Him throughout our lives.  It will be for our good and for our children after us.  If we seek unity in our own lives it will spill over into the lives of our children and grandchildren.  Children aren’t born to hate.  They are conditioned by their environment.  If we as adults, show love and kindness it will spread.

Tomorrow, we have a solemn duty to vote for the leadership of our great country.  It’s not to be taken lightly.  Many have died to give us that privilege.  Please, let’s join our hearts in prayer for our current leaders and wisdom to choose those who will lead us forward.  May we seek God’s blessing on our country as we strive for peace.


Summer Is In The Air


Call to Prayer