Call to Prayer


“Call unto me and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”  Jeremiah 33:3

Our country is in a state of unrest on many fronts.  Racism, disrespect of authority, and crime just to name a few.  We’re also fighting a pandemic that recent generations have never known.  People ask,   “what’s going on?  Where is God in all this?”

The Bible says in this world we will have trouble.  That’s a given.  Even so, God invites us to come to Him in prayer with all of our needs and concerns; no matter how big or small.  He longs to hear from us just like we enjoy hearing from our own children.  Our children come to us with their problems and hurts.  The big difference is that we don’t have the power to fix them.  All we can do is offer comfort and support.  God is mighty.  He does have the power to answer our requests.   Not only answer but show us things we could never imagine. 

In a couple of weeks we will have national elections that will be different in many ways.  As a nation, we must come together in prayer for our leaders.  We need to pray for God to heal our land.  God is willing, but we must humble ourselves and pray.

How about you?  Will you make a commitment to pray for our country and election for the next 2 weeks?  God is ready to hear and to work miracles.  We just have to ask.


Praying for Our Country

