How Can I Not Write?


A writer - can it be? 

Can I truly call myself that?

Words swim in my head.

They must find release.

Sounds speak words

That must be written.

The whistling of the trees

As they rustle in the breeze.

Wind chimes blending in song.

At times, one voice dominates

Then another joins in harmony.

A bird chirps his melody

As he joins the happy throng.

A beautiful symphony is born.

How can I not write

What is burning in my soul?

The words the bird sings.

The grace that God bestows.

The blue Carolina sky,

Clear in its perfection,

Hides the glorious heaven above

With all its promise.

I cannot stop the flow of words.

Nor, do I want to.

Life would be empty

Without the words in my soul.

So, as long as I have breath

And God continues to bless 

Me with these thoughts,

I will write from the abundance 

And gift it to the world.



My “Why”

