
BBB Courage pic.png

Life can be intimidating. We wonder, “What does what I have to say or do matter against all the giants of our day? My little voice won’t be heard above the loud clanging of others more important.”

The Bible is full of “little” voices which made a huge difference. Even God chose a small, quiet voice when He talked with Moses. Abigail showed courage by taking provisions to David when her husband, Nabal refused. She rode out to meet David, fell at his feet, took the blame on herself and steered David’s heart from wrath. Abigail exhibited courage again as she recounted to Nabal how she provided for David. In both instances, she feared for her life as well as the lives of others. God protected and blessed her. Rahab, a harlot, demonstrated courage as she protected the spies of Israel. Because of her willingness, she became part of the lineage of Christ.

When we write or speak words of truth and hope, God can use them like a megaphone to reach hurting souls. It only takes a little spark to start a huge fire. How many revolutions have begun because one person chose courage to use a pen or voice to stand against the majority?

I call to all the writers. Do not let your pens be still. Write what’s on your heart and mind. Those with voices, don’t be silent. Speak up for those who can’t. God can create a fire or revolution with our words. He sends them where He wills. We just have to be faithful and courageous to write. Perhaps the “mess” in our own lives is the greatest message another person needs to hear. We need to proclaim His truth, hope and mercy. Above these, proclaim His love. Write from the abundance and gift it to the world. They’re waiting.



